The following 6 words are the core values that MCCM standS on. As you read these make them personal.

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  1. RELATIONSHIP. I seek to build healthy relationships with God, myself, and others

  2. COMMUNITY. I am my community and my community is me.

  3. CHANGE. I give myself permission to change. When I change, it will grow a healthier me and make me into an effective Masterpiece with God, my family, my community, my existence and my purpose. I will no longer wear clothes that don't fit my purpose. Therefore, I will place the clothing of rejection, oppression, depression, guilt, shame, failure, drugs, divorce, unhealthy behaviors, lack of love, abortions, and all other attachments that labeled me in a box with sealed tape that says do not remove.

  4. TRANSFORMATION. Therefore, I am now transformed by the renewing of my mind. I am now wearing love, joy, forgiveness, and the fruits of the spirit. I am a new creature in Christ and I love my new me!

  5. LOVE. Love is my one act of worship, that connects me to God, myself, family, and community.

  6. OUTREACH. I must in-reach in order to outreach.